Imagine a world where...

Hello, I'm Varonex_0 ! A developer on ROBLOX since mid-2019. I study computer sciences and thrive in this domain. I decided to invest my personal time and energy aside from college to create an inspiring project : WONDERLAND.


WONDERLAND is a sandbox game, in which you can play, create & share levels of your own creation. Inspired by the LittleBigPlanet saga, it immerses people in a space-like environment.

As a player, you will be able to create "planets". Each planet belong to you and are publicly displayed. Planets can hold "levels", which are user-generated environments in which other players can go through.

Those levels can tell a story, showcase builds, feature electrical contraptions, ... Only your imagination is the limit !

Current State

As of right now, I (Varonex_0) am the only developer on the game. So development pace may vary, depending on several factors. Right now, I am working on the "lobby mode", which focuses on displaying publicly available planets & levels. The level edition engine is nearly finalized, only finishing touches need to be made. The planet edition engine has core components, but will be in development soon. The play mode will be the final step before a possible public release.